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"Релиз Firefox 125"
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. "Релиз Firefox 125" +/
Сообщение от iZENemail (ok), 20-Апр-24, 07:51 
===>>> pkg-message for firefox-125.0.2,2
On install:
## Missing features

Some features found on Windows, macOS and Linux are not implemented:

- Encrypted Media Extensions (requires Widevine CDM binary)
- Process sandboxing (requires Capsicum backend)
- Reduced memory usage (requires mozjemalloc)
- Crash Reporter (requires Google Breakpad and reproducible builds)
- WebVR (requires open source runtime)
- TCP fast open
- `about:networking#networkid` (requires link state notification)

## Audio backend

Currently used audio backend can be inspected on `about:support` page.
Supported backends and default probing order is as follows:
- `pulse-rust` if `pulseaudio` package is installed (PULSEAUDIO option)
- `jack` if `jackit` package is installed (JACK option)
- `sndio` if `sndio` package is installed (SNDIO option)
- `alsa` if `alsa-lib` package is installed (ALSA option)
- `oss` (always available)
To force a specific backend open `about:config` page and create
===>>> Upgrade of firefox-125.0.1,2 to firefox-125.0.2,2 complete

% freebsd-version

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Релиз Firefox 125, opennews, 16-Апр-24, 20:11  [смотреть все]
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Created 1996-2024 by Maxim Chirkov
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