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"Выпуск web-браузера Chrome 123"
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Присылайте удачные настройки в раздел примеров файлов конфигурации на
. "Выпуск web-браузера Chrome 123" +/
Сообщение от Минона (ok), 25-Мрт-24, 15:42 
> Сравнивать надо между одинаковыми операционными системами.

"Speedometer 3 General Instructions
To get reasonably accurate results your device and browser need to be focused on the benchmark. Here are some basic instructions to allow that:

Ensure you are running the latest stable browser version.
Prefer using a separate clean browser profile — extensions and non-default browser settings can have a large impact on the score.
Don't run any programs in the background.
Restart the browser and close all other tabs and windows.
Keep the Speedometer page focused and do not interact with the device while running the benchmark.
Keep your battery-powered device plugged into a charger.
Some devices might need time to cool down between between consecutive runs."

Где там написано "Сравнивать надо между одинаковыми операционными системами."?

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Выпуск web-браузера Chrome 123, opennews, 20-Мрт-24, 14:34  [смотреть все]
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